It is illegal to sell tobacco products to a person under 18 and it is illegal to purchase a tobacco product for use by a person under 18



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NATIVE SOUL Healing Smudge Incense 15g 

Holy smoke created from burning medicinal or sacred plants is an aspect of many cultures and religions the world over. In the ancient Native American culture, it is a practice of spiritual cleansing and blessing called smudging. This ritual calls on the spirits of sacred plants (tobacco, sage, cedar, sweetgrass, juniper, lavender and copal) to drive away negative energies and prevent illness. A cleansing smoke bath is used to purify the body, aura, energy, ritual space or any other space and personal article.
It is also practiced for healing of mind, body and spirit, as well as balancing energies.


Using tobacco products has been linked to a variety of illnesses, including:

  • lung cancer
  • throat cancer
  • pancreatic cancer
  • stomach cancer
  • kidney and bladder cancers
  • acute chest illnesses and diseases
  • chronic chest illnesses and diseases
  • lung illnesses and diseases
  • stomach ulcers.

Women who use tobacco products during pregnancy expose their children to the risk of serious respiratory illnesses. Non-users, particularly children, can also suffer serious illness if they are exposed to second-hand smoke. Children exposed to second-hand smoke also have an increased risk of these illnesses, including:

  • reduced lung function, especially for infants
  • an increase in lower respiratory tract infections during infancy
  • impaired lung growth
  • the risk of developing more serious respiratory diseases in later life.